Get Started with Cisco Secure Client on Windows and macOS Devices

Cisco Secure Client provides security to user devices on any network from any location. User devices can connect to private resources through Zero Trust Access or VPNs, or access internet resources protected by the Cisco Secure Access DNS-layer security and web security.

Secure Client manages the endpoint security on user devices in your organization. Secure Client ensures that both Windows and macOS devices have a uniform, continuous security experience. For more information about Secure Client, see Cisco Secure Client At-a-Glance.

Secure Client features:

  • Endpoint compliance
  • User identity verification and device communications managed by Zero Trust Access, VPNs, and internet security, including roaming protection
  • Threat protection
  • Network and identity visibility
  • Inspection service


Monitor and Troubleshoot the Zero Trust Access App from Mobile Devices < Get Started with the Cisco Secure Client on Windows and macOS Devices > Prerequisites