Add a Destination List

Cisco Secure Access enables administrators to manage destinations grouped by destination lists. Destination lists either allow or block access to destinations: domains, URLs, CIDRs, and IPs. Add a destination list with destinations and then apply the destination list to various policy rules.

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  1. Navigate to Resources > Internet and SaaS Resources > Destination Lists
  2. Click Add.
  1. In the List Name field, enter a descriptive name.
  1. In the next field, enter a domain, URL, IPv4 address or CIDR.
  2. Click Add.
    Tip: You can upload destinations in bulk from a text file, but you must first save and edit the destination list. For more information, see Upload Destinations from a File.
  3. Click Save.
    The destination list is now available as a destination when you add an internet access rule.

Manage Destination Lists < Add a Destination List > Upload Destinations From a File