Configure Updates on AD Connectors
You can schedule the date and time that Cisco Secure Access updates the Active Directory (AD) Connector software on your deployed Cisco AD Connectors. When scheduled, Secure Access checks if an AD Connector has the latest version of the software. If a new version is available, Secure Access removes the installed AD Connector software from your systems and deploys the latest version of the AD Connector.
Table of Contents
- Full Admin user role. For more information, see Manage Accounts.
- Deploy an AD Connector in your environment. For more information, see Connect Active Directory to Secure Access.
Select the day and time to update your deployed AD Connectors automatically.
Navigate to Connect > Users, Groups, and Endpoint Devices, and then click Configuration management.
For Provisioning, expand Active Directory.
Navigate to Active Directory Connector Auto-Upgrades, and then click Edit.

For Day, choose the day of the week to update the AD Connector software.
Note: The default Day is Any day—On every day of the week, if a software update is available, Secure Access attempts to redeploy the AD Connectors with the latest version of the software.

- For Time Range, choose the four-hour time period to update the AD Connectors on the scheduled day.
Note: The default Time Range is 2:00 am - 6:00 am PST.

- Click Save.
Configure Authentication for AD Connectors and VAs < Configure Updates on AD Connectors > Connect Active Directory to Secure Access
Updated about 1 month ago