View User Details

After an administrator provisions users in Secure Access, you can view details about the users and identify the policy rules applied to the users.

Table of Contents



View provisioned users and groups in Secure Access.

  1. Navigate to Connect > Users and Groups
  2. Click Users to view the users provisioned in the organization.
    • Name—The first and last names of the user.
    • Email—The email address of the user.
    • Source—The method or identity provider used to provision the user.
    • Connectivity (VPN)—The number of connections made from virtual private networks (VPNs).
    • Enrolled (ZTNA)—The number of connections made from a user and device managed by Secure Access Zero Trust Access.
    • Associated Rules—The Secure Access policy rules that include the user.
    • Source—The method used to provision the user.
  1. Find a user in the organization and click on the Name of the user to open the User Details.

User Details

The information about the user in the organization.

General User Details

  • Name—The name of the user.
  • Email—The email of the user.
  • Identity Provider—The identity provider that manages the user information.

Device Connectivity

The list of devices associated with the user.

  • Connection—The type of connection
  • IP address—The IP address of the device.
  • OS Version—The version of the device's operating system.

Groups and Events

  • Groups—The number of groups that include the user and the name of the groups.
  • Events—The number of events created by the user and the status of the events.

Associated Rules

The Secure Access policy rules applied to the user.

Provision Users and Groups from Azure AD < View User Details > View Group Details