Add a Tenant Controls Profile

Secure Access tenant controls allow you to provision connectivity for users to the following SaaS applications and suites in the cloud:

  • Dropbox
  • Microsoft 365
  • Google G Suite
  • Slack
  • Dropbox
  • YouTube

You configure tenant controls as profiles that you can use in one or more internet-access rules. Each tenant-controls profile can include more than one type of application or suite. For example, you can create a single profile that includes configurations for both Microsoft Office 365 and Slack.


The following data is required to configure tenant controls and allow access to cloud-based applications and suites:

For more information, see the application's documentation or contact the application's support.


  1. Navigate to Resources > Internet and SaaS Resources.
  2. Click Tenant Controls.
  3. Click the default Global Tenant Controls profile.
    1. Alternatively, click Add.
  1. Give your configuration a descriptive Profile Name.
  2. Select a tenant.

  1. In the right pane, add specific data and domain information to grant access to those tenants from within your organization.
    Note: If you aren't sure what information to enter for a tenant, see the application's documentation or contact the application's Support.
  • Google G SuiteDomain, scroll to "Use a web proxy server to block accounts" in G Suite Admin Help.
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  • YouTubeYouTube Channels or YouTube Categories.
  1. After you've configured access to applications, click Save.

The new tenant-control profile is now available for selection in the Security Controls section when you add an internet access rule. For rule requirements specific to tenant controls, see Use Tenant Controls in Access Rules.

Manage Tenant Controls < Add a Tenant Controls Profile > Control Cloud Access to Microsoft 365