Export Report Data to CSV

Some reports let you export the results of a query to the CSV format. This lets you create other reports and graphs by feeding this data to other tools.

Note: The timezone of exported data is always the timezone selected for your account. You can change this for your account at Admin > Accounts.

Exportable reports:

  • Activity Search
  • Top Destinations
  • Top Categories
  • Top Identities
  • Data Loss Prevention
  • Cloud Malware


  • A minimum user role of Read-only. For more information, see Manage Accounts.


  1. Navigate to Monitor > Reports > <report> and click Export CSV (or, in the case of the Data Loss Prevention and Cloud Malware reports, Download).
  1. Give your report a good Report Title, add the number of rows of data to be returned, and click Export.
    Note: Data is limited to 1,000,000 rows when exporting to CSV. If your report exceeds 1,000,000 rows, consider re-running the report with a shorter timeframe or with a more granular filter. It's a good idea to check the last row of your first report, then re-run the report from that time period for the next chunk of data.
  1. When you click Export, you are taken to the Exported Reports page, where you can download your CSV file.
  1. Click the Download icon.
    Your CSV file is automatically downloaded.

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