Cisco Security for Chromebooks Client FAQ

Q: Does the Cisco Security for Chromebook client work in the Chrome browser for Windows or MacOS?
A: No, the client is designed specifically for ChromeOS and does not function with other operating systems.

Q: Do I need Google Admin console to install the Cisco Security for Chromebook client?
A: Yes, you install the Cisco Security for Chromebook client from the Google Admin console and upload your Secure Access organization-specific JSON file from it. Note that extensions are unlisted on the Chrome store and manual installation on the Chrome browser will break the functionality.

Q: Does the Cisco Security for Chromebook client proxy internet traffic?
A: Yes, the Cisco Security for Chromebook client proxies HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

Q: Is SafeSearch supported?
A: Yes.

Q: Are custom block pages supported?
A: Yes.

Q: Which features are supported by the Cisco Security for Chromebook client and the Secure Access roaming client?
A: See the table below.

FeatureCisco Security for Chromebook ClientSecure Access Roaming Client
OS supportChrome OSWindows and macOS
DNS-layer security blocks phishing and malicious domainsYesYes
DNS logs augmented with endpoint IP informationYesYes
EDNS message encryption between client and resolverYesYes
Customizable block pageNoYes
User email IDs included in logsYesNo
User-based policiesYesYes
Organization-wide policiesYesYes
Group-based policiesYesYes
Internal domainsYesYes

Q: How do I know that my Chromebook users are protected?
A: To confirm that a user is protected by the Cisco Security for Chromebook client, go to from the user's Chrome browser. If a Secure Access block page displays, the client is working.

Q: Can I use to confirm that the Cisco Security for Chromebook client is working?
A: No, is not supported.

Q: How is the Cisco Security for Chromebook client updated?
A: Google is responsible for updating the software in Chromebooks. When Cisco updates the Cisco Security for Chromebook client in the Chrome web store, the upgrade is pushed automatically by Google to all the Chromebooks. The process can take several hours.

Q: Are managed guest sessions and public sessions supported?
A: Yes.

Q: Is kiosk mode supported?
A: No.

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