Determine the Number of Connectors Needed in a Connector Group

The number of connectors needed in a group depends on the throughput capacity that your organization needs. You can expand throughput capacity at any time by adding connectors to a connector group.

Use the following procedure to determine how many connectors to deploy in a connector group, based on the volume of traffic that you expect the connector group to handle.

Table of Contents


  • Full Admin user role. For more information, see Manage Accounts.
  • Review the important information about calculating the capacity. For more information, see Capacity.


  1. Navigate to Connect > Network Connections, and then click Connector Groups.
  2. If you see Next Steps at the top of the page, scroll down to the Connector Groups section.
  3. In the row for the relevant connector group, click the ellipsis for the connector group and choose View Provisioning Key.
  1. Look at the Scaling calculator section.
    For example, for AWS, the information might look like this:
Scaling calculator example for AWS

Deploy a Connector in Azure < Determine the Number of Connectors Needed in a Connector Group > Assign Private Resources to a Connector Group