Add Secure Access API Keys
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The Secure Access API enables you to create, manage, and protect the users, user devices, network connections, and private resources in your organization. In a script or client program, use your Secure Access API key credentials to authenticate with Secure Access and generate a short-lived API access token. Then, with your generated access token, you can interact with the Secure Access platform. You must include your access token in an API request for every operation. For more information, see Secure Accesss API Authentication.
You can create any number of granular, multi-scoped Secure Access API keys. When you create an API key, choose a unique key name, description, key expiration date, and API key scopes and permissions. The API key description and expiration date are optional. If you do not set an expiration date when you add the key, Secure Access sets your API key to never expire. For each key scope and API resource, choose either Read-Only or Read/Write API key permissions.
Once you add an API key to Secure Access, you can refresh your key's credentials, update the key's name, description, expiration date, and key scopes, and delete the API key.
Table of Contents
- Full Admin user role. For more information, see Manage Accounts.
Add API Key
- Navigate to Admin > API Keys.
- Click API Keys and then click Add.
The number of expired API keys appears next to the red triangle. The number of API keys that expire within 30 days appears next to the yellow triangle.
- Enter a name and description for the key. A name must contain less than 256 characters. The key description is optional.
- Select the key scopes and expand a key scope to view the resources. Check each resource in a key scope to enable access to the resource.
- Choose Read-Only or Read / Write for the selected scope and resource.
- For Expiry Date, choose an expiration date or choose Never expire.
(Optional) For Network Restrictions, enter a comma-separated list of public IP addresses or CIDRs, then click Add.
Note: You can add up to ten networks to your API key. You can only use your API key to authenticate requests for clients on the selected networks.
Click Create Key.
Copy and save your API Key and Key Secret.
Click Accept and Close.
Refresh API Key
- Navigate to Admin > API Keys.
- Click API Keys, and then expand an API key.
- Click Refresh Key.
- Copy and save your API Key and Key Secret.
- Click Accept and Close.
Update API Key
You can modify one or multiple settings on your API key.
- Navigate to Admin > API Keys.
- Click API Keys, and then expand an API key.
Modify the API Key Name, Description, and selected scopes and permissions in Key Scope.
Modify the Expiry Date.
For Network Restrictions, update the list of IP addresses or CIDRs. Click on the X to remove a network address.
Click Save.
Delete API Key
- Navigate to Admin > API Keys.
- Click API Keys, and then expand an API key.
- Click Delete. In the dialog window, click Delete to remove the API key from your organization.
Manage API Keys < Add Secure Access API Keys > Add KeyAdmin API Keys
Updated 9 months ago