Manage End-User Connectivity
Secure Access provides secure connectivity to the internet and your digital resources. To route network traffic from endpoints securely, you can:
- Manage the DNS servers deployed in your organization
- Manage private resources configured for Zero Trust access
- Manage client IP address ranges and profiles used by virtual private networks (VPNs)
- Protect or bypass traffic to certain internet resources
- Configure comprehensive endpoint internet security settings
DNS Servers
Add DNS servers to resolve DNS requests for certain domains from remote clients. For more information, see Manage DNS Servers.
Traffic Steering for Cisco Secure Client Connections
View traffic steering rules for zero trust connections. Or, for certain private resource configurations, you can specify subdomains to exclude from zero trust access. See Traffic Steering for Client-Based Zero Trust Connections.
Virtual Private Networks Settings and Profiles
Configure VPN settings and profiles. For more information, see Manage Virtual Private Networks.
Internet Security
Steer traffic from endpoints to Secure Access or directly to the internet. For more information, see Manage Internet Security.
Test SAML Identity Provider Integration < Manage End User Connectivity > Manage DNS Servers
Updated 6 months ago