Additional References

The following guides provide in-depth information for customers deploying Cisco Secure Client with endpoint management, systems management, or device management tools.

Command Line and RMM Reference (Windows)Provides information about installing Cisco Secure Client using the CLI (Windows)
Customize Windows Installations of Cisco Secure Client
Provides command-line reference for installing Cisco Secure Client. Includes customizations for disabling the VPN functionality and locking down Cisco Secure Client services
Customize MacOS installations of Cisco Secure ClientProvides detailed instructions for creating a mass deployment package for macOS. Includes customizations for disabling VPN functionality and approving Cisco Secure Client extensions.
VPN Headend Installation
Provides customers who are using Secure Client VPN functionality to deploy Umbrella from their VPN headend. This will automatically download the software and profile when connecting to VPN..
Meraki Systems Manager (SM)
Provides information about how to deploy the Umbrella profile (OrgInfo.json) on Windows computers using post-install scripts.
Microsoft InTune
Provides a tutorial for Intune (Windows clients). The software and Umbrella profile are packaged together using the Content Prep tool and delivered to Windows endpoints.
Microsoft InTune
Provides a tutorial for Intune (macOS clients). A mass deployment package is created and deployed with a scripted task.
Shared Folder Installation
Provides an example on how to install from a shared folder installation source using a script. In this example, the script is triggered using a scheduled task (Windows group policy).
GPO Installation
Provides Cisco Secure Client to deploy as an application package using Windows group policy (GPO). The Umbrella profile is deployed to the endpoint using Windows group policy (GPO).
Provides a tutorial for JAMF (macOS Clients). The software, profile, and install choices (module selection) are bundled together using the JAMF composer.
Deploy Cisco Secure ClientProvides instructions for installing Cisco Secure Client and all modules (non-Umbrella specific) from

Cloud Management < Additional References > Remote Monitoring and Management Deployment Tutorials