Rule Defaults: Default Settings for Access Rules

When you create a new access rule, the rule is configured with the default rule settings unless you select other options in the rule. The rule defaults are a collection controls for endpoint security posture and security profiles, and the zero trust authentication interval property. To change the default rule settings, see Edit Rule Defaults and Global Settings.


Important Information About Changing Rule Defaults

If you change a rule default, all existing rules that are configured to use a particular rule default will change to use the new default.

For example, if you change the default IPS Profile from Balanced Security and Connectivity to Maximum Security, the IPS profile in all existing rules that are configured to use the default IPS Profile will now use the Maximum Security settings for IPS.

Existing rules that are configured to use custom settings are not affected by changing the rule default. To determine whether a rule uses default or custom settings, see About Access Rules.

Table of Contents

Zero Trust Access: Endpoint Posture Profiles

These profiles specify end-user device requirements when connecting to private resources using Zero Trust Access.

There are two types of profiles to choose from:

  • Client-based—Choose this as the default profile for devices on which the Cisco Secure Client is installed.
  • Browser-based—Choose this as the default profile for devices on which the Cisco Secure Client is not installed.

For more information about Zero Trust posture profiles, see Manage Zero Trust Access Posture Profiles.

Zero Trust Access: User Authentication Interval

This feature is sometimes called "step-up authentication."

Specify the default frequency with which end users must verify their identity, in order to connect to any private resource using client-based zero trust access. When disabled, users are not prompted to re-authenticate to the network.


  • The default interval is 3 days.
  • The minimum value is 1 minute.

For more information, see Network Authentication for Zero Trust Access.

Intrusion Prevention (IPS)

Enable or disable intrusion prevention by default for all new private access and internet access rules. When IPS is enabled, you can choose a default intrusion prevention profile for all new rules of both types.

For more information about Zero Trust posture profiles, see Manage IPS Profiles.

Web Profile

A Web profile provides a set of web-related settings. Choose a profile to apply to all new internet access rules.

For more information about Zero Trust posture profiles, see Manage Web Profiles.

Tenant Control Profile

Limit access to your organization’s tenant for certain SaaS applications. This setting applies only to internet access rules.

For more information about Zero Trust posture profiles, see Manage Tenant Controls.

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