Manage AD Connectors
The Cisco Active Directory (AD) Connector integrates Cisco Secure Access with your instance of Microsoft Active Directory (AD). Before you can provision users and groups from AD to Secure Access, complete the setup of the AD components, register the AD Components in Secure Access, and install the Cisco AD Connector in the organization's environment.
How to Connect Active Directory to Secure Access
The deployment of the AD Connector has various components and configuration settings. You can configure the Cisco AD Connector to provision users and groups from Microsoft AD using LDAP or LDAPS (domain controller or domain), or LDAP Interchange Format (LDIF) source files.
- Add domain controllers or domains in Secure Access for LDAP or LDAPS deployments. For more information, see Add AD Components to Secure Access.
- (Optional) Configure authentication for the AD Connectors in your environment. For more information, see Configure Authentication for AD Connectors and VAs.
- (Optional) Configure updates for the AD Connectors in your environment. For more information, see Configure Updates for on AD Connectors.
- Download the AD Connector software package and install it on your AD server. For more information, see Connect Active Directory to Secure Access.
- (Optional) Configure the provisioning of users and groups with LDIF source files. For more information, see Deploy LDIF Files for AD Connector.
- (Optional) Change the AD Connector account password. For more information, see Change the Connector Account Password.
- View the installed AD components in Secure Access and verify that users and groups begin to sync with Secure Access. For more information, see View AD Components in Secure Access.
Delete AD Components < Manage AD Connectors > Configure Authentication for AD Connectors and VAs
Updated 2 months ago