Review Apps in the Apps Grid
The Apps Grid provides an overall view of application activity in your environment and the potential risk indicated by this traffic.
Packages and Feature Availability
Not all of the features described here are available to all Secure Access packages. Information about your current package is listed on the Admin > Licensing page. For more information, see Determine Your Current Package.
If you encounter a feature here that you do not have access to, contact your sales representative for more information.
Table of Contents
- A minimum user role of Read-only. For more information, see Manage Accounts.
- Navigate to Monitor > Reports > App Discovery and click one of the app labels to open the Apps Grid.

- Filter by label.
- Unreviewed—The app has not yet been assigned any label.
- Approved—The app may be used in your environment.
- Not Approved—The app should not be approved for use in your environment.
- Under Audit—The app is currently under review.

Note: Once you relabel an Unreviewed app, you cannot change the app label back to Unreviewed. Use the Under Audit label for apps that still need review.
Note: Labels do not automatically block apps from use. You must configure a rule to block specific apps or apps with specific labels. For more information, see Control Apps.
- Filter by Controllable Apps.
You can filter the apps listed by apps that are controllable and apps that have advanced app controls.

- Filter by Risk.
For more information on how risk is calculated, see Risk Details.

- Filter by category.
For more information on app categories, see Application Categories.

- Filter by app type.
- SaaS—Software as a service
- PaaS—Platform as a service
- IaaS—Infrastructure as a service

- Filter by date. The app grid will display data for 24 hours based on the date selected. The default is the current date.

Configure Columns to Display
You can customize what columns are displayed.
- Click the Actions icon.

- Select columns to display and click Apply.
Note: Rearrange the order of settings by dragging and dropping the column fields,

- App Type—The type of app: SaaS, PaaS or IaaS.
- Blocked DNS—The percentage of DNS requests blocked by Secure Access based on policy configurations.
- Blocked Traffic—The percentage of all traffic blocked.
- DNS Requests—The number of DNS requests for this app.
- First Detected—The date the app was first detected.
- Identities—The number of identities affected by the app. Click this number to view the app's details and the list of identities with requests for that app.
- Inbound Traffic—Bytes inbound.
- Last Detected—The date the app was last detected.
- Outbound Traffic—Bytes outbound.
- Total Traffic—The total number of bytes inbound and outbound for this app in your environment.
- Vendor—The vendor that owns the app.
- Weighted Risk—The risk the app poses to the environment.
Change the Label of an App
- Navigate to Reporting > Core Reports > App Discovery and click one of the app labels to open the Apps Grid.

- Check the checkbox for the app or apps you want to change the label of, click the Label drop-down menu, and select the new label.

Note: Once you relabel an Unreviewed app, you cannot change the app label back to Unreviewed. Use the Under Audit label for apps that still need review.
Note: Labels do not automatically block apps from use. You must configure a rule to block specific apps or apps with specific labels. For more information, see Control Apps.
View the Highest Risk Apps < Review Apps in the Apps Grid > View App Details
Updated 8 months ago