
The Cisco Security Connector (CSC) app deployed on an iOS device can generate various Secure Access reports. The Secure Access reports provide diagnostic information about the device's DNS traffic, which is protected by Secure Access.

If you configured your Secure Access administrator's email address in the Cisco Security Connector, send the Secure Access diagnostic reports to the administrator. For more information, see Generate Diagnostics and Email the Secure Access Report.

If your Secure Access administrator's email address is not configured in the Cisco Security Connector, share the Secure Access reports with a Secure Access administrator through a supported cloud application. For more information, see Generate Diagnostics and Share the Secure Access Report.

Table Of Contents


Generate Diagnostics and Email the Secure Access Reports

Before you begin, add an Secure Access administrator's email address to the Cisco Security Connector. For more information, see Add an administrator email address.

  1. On your iOS device, in the Cisco Security Connector app, navigate to Umbrella details > Diagnostics > Generate Diagnostics.
  2. Tap Start. The diagnostic report starts generating.
  3. When the diagnostic report is complete, navigate to About > Report a Problem...
  4. Enter a problem description, then tap Next. A preview of the problem report email appears, which you can edit, or add more recipients to the message. The Secure Access diagnostic report files are attached.
  5. Tap Send.

Generate Diagnostics and Share the Secure Access Reports

  1. On your iOS device, in the Cisco Security Connector app, navigate to Umbrella details > Diagnostics > Generate Diagnostics.
  2. Tap Start. The diagnostic report starts generating.
  3. When the diagnostic report is complete, navigate to About > Report a Problem...
  4. Enter a problem description, then tap Next.
  5. When prompted, enter a password, and then click Share.

Note: If email is configured, the diagnostics report can be shared through email.

  1. Share the Secure Access diagnostic report files through iCloud, Airdrop, Webex, iMessage, or other apps.
    Note: You may not share the Secure Access diagnostic report with the following apps natively: Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Flickr, and Tencent Weibo.

Export Device Data to CSV < Troubleshooting > Push the Cisco Root Certificate to Devices