Admin Audit Log Formats

The Cisco Secure Access Admin Audit logs show the administrative changes to your organization's Secure Access settings. For information about the size of a log file, see Estimate the Size of a Log.

Table of Contents


An example of a v4 through v11 Admin Audit log event.

id,timestamp,email,user,type,action,logged in from,before,after
"123","2024-07-22 10:46:45","[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])","","logexportconfigurations","update","","version: 4","version: 5"

Order of Fields in Admin Audit Log

Note: Not all fields listed are found in most or all requests. When a field does not have a value, Secure Access sets the field to the empty string ("") in the log.

Optional V11 Log Header Format

The CSV fields in the header row of the Optional Log Header.

"ID","Time","Email","User","Type","Action","Logged in from","Before","After"

V11 Log Format

The CSV fields in the header row of the Admin Audit log.

id,timestamp,email,user,type,action,logged in from,before,after

The description of each field and the log version in which each field was released, from version 4 up to version 11. For more information about log versions, see Find Your Log Schema Version.

Field nameDescriptionRelease version
idA unique identifier of the audit event.v4
timestampThe date and time of the administrative change event, expressed as a UTC-formatted string (e.g., 2024-01-16 17:48:41).

Note: Unlike the Secure Access dashboard and reports, Secure Access logs do not convert the timestamp to your local timezone.
emailThe email of the user that triggered the event.v4
userThe account name of the user who created the change.v4
typeWhere the change was made, such as settings or a policy.v4
actionThe type of change made, such as Create, update, or Delete.v4
logged in fromThe user's IP source.v4
beforeThe policy or setting before the change was made.v4
afterThe policy or setting after the change was made.v4

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