Quickstart – Cisco Secure Client with Virtual Private Network
Cisco Secure Client with VPN connects user devices securely to private resources in data centers managed by your organization and software as a service (SaaS) resources in private and public clouds. The procedure to start onboarding user devices in an organization with the Cisco Secure Client and VPN access should take no more than ten minutes.
A VPN provides a point-to-point, private network between a user device and a resource where the traffic sent over the network is encrypted and the IP address of the source is hidden.
User devices must have the Secure Client deployed with the VPN module and VPN XML metadata file, and configure a Secure Access VPN endpoint posture profile. Users are members of the Secure Access organization that manages their devices. An administrator must configure the network connections—Network Tunnel Groups or Resource Connector Groups—for the organization.
Table of Contents
- Full Admin user role. For more information, see Manage Accounts.
- Deploy network connectors in Secure Access.
- Deploy connector groups in Secure Access. For more information, see Manage Resource Connectors and Connector Groups.
- Deploy network tunnel groups in Secure Access. For more information, see Manage Network Tunnel Groups.
- Configure a network tunnel on a network device from within your data center or public network. For more information, see Check Device Compatibility.
- Provision users and groups in Secure Access. For more information, see Manage Users and Groups.
- Configure SAML integrations with identity providers (IdPs). For more information, see Configure Integrations with SAML Identity Providers.
- Create a VPN endpoint posture profile for the user devices. For more information, see Add a VPN Connection Posture Profile.
- Create a policy rule or add a VPN endpoint posture profile for the user devices to an existing Secure Access rule. For more information, see Add Access Rules.
- Deploy Cisco Secure Client with VPN on user devices in the organization.
Test Your Connectivity
- Check that you can reach private, SaaS, and internet resources protected by Secure Access.
Quickstart – Cisco Secure Client with Zero Trust< Quickstart – Cisco Secure Client with Virtual Private Network > Quickstart – Cisco Secure Client with Internet Security
Updated 10 months ago