Download the OrgInfo.json File

You can deploy various modules with the Cisco Secure Client. The Cisco Secure Client may require a certain profile present to install a module successfully.

The Cisco Secure Client Umbrella Roaming Security module (DNS-layer and Web security) requires the Secure Access OrgInfo.json file. The Secure Access OrgInfo.json file associates a Cisco Secure Client deployment with the Umbrella Roaming Security module to a Secure Access user and organization. Once the module is deployed on the Cisco Secure Client, Secure Access applies the organization's configured policy rules to the device. The device's traffic events are visible in the Activity Search report.

If you use another OrgInfo.json file from a different organization in Secure Access to install the Cisco Secure Client Umbrella module, the roaming device is managed by that instance of Secure Access instead.

To deploy the Cisco Secure Client with the Umbrella Roaming Security module on a user device, download the OrgInfo.json file from Secure Access to the device.

Table of Contents



Download the Cisco Secure Client internet security profile (OrgInfo.json).

Step 1 – Download the OrgInfo.json File

  1. Navigate to Connect > End User Connectivity > Internet Security.
  2. For Cisco Secure Client, click Download Profile to save the OrgInfo.json file to the local system.

Step 2 – Copy the OrgInfo.json File to the Target Directory

  1. Copy your OrgInfo.json file to either the location of the Cisco Secure Client install directory or the Profiles\umbrella directory on the local system.

When you deploy the OrgInfo.json file for the first time, the Cisco Secure Client copies the OrgInfo.json file to the data subdirectory (/umbrella/data), which also contains several registration files. If you need to deploy a new OrgInfo.json file, you must delete the data subdirectory. Alternatively, you can uninstall the Cisco Secure Client Umbrella Roaming Security module, which deletes the data subdirectory, and then reinstall the new OrgInfo.json file.

Note: If you deploy the OrgInfo.json file on the device after installing the Cisco Secure Client, the Cisco Secure Client Umbrella Roaming Security module directories already exist. If you deploy the OrgInfo.json file on the device before installing the Cisco Secure Client, you have to create the required directories for the Umbrella Roaming Security module on the device.

Windows%ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client\UmbrellaYou must copy the OrgInfo.json file that you downloaded from Secure Access to the target directory. Do not rename the file.

Alternatively, before installing the Cisco Secure Client, copy the OrgInfo.json file to \Profiles\umbrella. The Umbrella module installer is located in \Profiles\umbrella
Umbrella module
macOS/opt/cisco/secureclient/umbrella/Umbrella module

Download Cisco Secure Client< Download the OrgInfo.json File > Manual Installation of Cisco Secure Client (Windows and macOS)