Manage VAs in Secure Access
Cisco Secure Access Virtual Appliances (VAs) are lightweight virtual machines that function as conditional DNS forwarders on your network. Secure Access VAs support DNS-layer security only.
In Secure Access, you can manage the configuration and deployment of the VAs for your organization.
First, download the images for the VAs and configure authentication for the VAs. Then deploy the VAs in your environment.
- Configure the authentication for secure communications between Secure Access and your VAs. For more information, see Configure Authentication for Virtual Appliances.
- Download the software images to deploy the Secure Access VAs in your environment. For more information, see Deploy Virtual Appliances.
Manage the Secure Access Site.
- Manage the Site associated with the VA. For more information, see Manage Site for Virtual Appliance.
Manage the settings and updates for the VAs.
- Manage the settings for the DNS forwarders. For more information, see Manage DNS Forwarders.
- Configure automatic updates on the VAs in the organization or make a manual update to a VA. For more information, see Configure Updates to Virtual Appliances.
Virtual Appliance Sizing Guide > Manage VAs in Secure Access < Configure Authentication for Virtual Appliances
Updated 5 months ago