Edit Destination for Internet Security Bypass
After you add a destination to bypass internet security in Cisco Secure Access, you can edit the internet security bypass information for the destination.
This guide describes the steps to edit destinations in Secure Access that are configured to bypass internet security. You can modify the internet security information for destinations that bypass the Secure Access Secure Web Gateway (SWG) and Secure Access DNS resolvers, or only bypass the Secure Web Gateway.
Table of Contents
- Full Admin user role. For more information, see Manage Accounts.
- User devices must have the Cisco Secure Client deployed with the Umbrella Roaming Security module or deploy a PAC file on the browsers in the environment.
Edit a destination that is configured to bypass internet security in Secure Access.
Navigate to Connect > End User Connectivity > Internet Security.
Navigate to Internet security bypass, navigate to a destination in the internet security bypass table, and then click the ellipsis (...).
Click Edit to modify the bypass information for the destination.
Navigate to Traffic steering intent.
Choose Bypass Secure Access to bypass the DNS resolvers and Secure Access Secure Web Gateway.
Note: DNS requests for the destination are resolved by the organization's local DNS servers.
a. For Destination, enter a domain name.
b. (Optional) For Description, enter text that describes this domain.
c. For Applies To, choose the Sites in Secure Access for all devices that should bypass the domain.

- Choose Bypass web proxy only to bypass the Secure Web Gateway only.
Note: DNS requests for the destination are resolved by the Secure Access DNS servers.
a. For Destination, enter a domain, IP address, or CIDR block.
b. (Optional) For Description, enter text that describes the destination.

- Click Save.
Add Destinations for Internet Security Bypass < Edit Destination for Internet Security Bypass > Delete Destination for Internet Security Bypass
Updated about 2 months ago