Secure Access Regions

Secure Access has instances of regional network and computing data centers that protect and manage public and private resources. The regions are located geographically around the world. Network branches, data centers, and user devices can connect to the regions through the secure web gateway (SWG), Zero Trust Access (ZTA), and virtual private networks (VPNs). Each region is highly available and comprised of two or more physically independent data centers.

The Secure Access regions and data centers host the various IP addresses and fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs) for the Secure Access cloud services:

ContinentRegions Available for On-Demand DeploymentsRegions Available by Request*
AfricaAfrica (South Africa)
AsiaAsia Pacific (Hong Kong)Asia Pacific (Malaysia)
Asia Pacific (Jakarta)Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Osaka)Asia Pacific (Thailand)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)Middle East (Bahrain)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
India (South)
India (West)
Israel (Tel Aviv)
Middle East (UAE)
AustraliaSydneyAustralia (Melbourne)
EuropeGermanyEurope (France)
StockholmEurope (Ireland)
United KingdomEurope (Milan)
Switzerland (Zurich)Europe (Spain)
North AmericaCanada (Central)Canada (West)
US (Pacific Northwest)US (Midwest)
US (Virginia)US (Northern California)
South AmericaBrazil

* Regions Available by Request—Regions can be requested and are made available upon Cisco's sole discretion.

Troubleshoot Resource Connectors and Connector Groups < Secure Access Regions > Manage Users and Groups