Deploy a Connector in Docker

Cisco Secure Access supports several methods to deploy Resource Connectors in on-premises or cloud environments. A Resource Connector is a lightweight service that manages the network communications for a private resource. The private resource is configured and managed by the organization.

This guide describes how to deploy a Resource Connector in a Docker container using the Secure Access Docker container image.

Table of Contents


  • Create a Resource Connector Group with the Docker Container type. For more information, see Add Resource Connector Groups.

  • Copy the provisioning key for the resource connector group where you are deploying the connectors. You must have the provisioning key for the resource connector group when deploying the connector instances. For more information, see Provisioning Keys for Resource Connectors.

Deployment Guidelines

  • Dedicate a virtual machine (VM) or bare metal host for the resource connector.
  • You can launch only one Resource Connector instance for each VM or bare metal environment.
  • The virtual machine or bare metal environment must have a single network interface. Secure Access does not support multiple network interfaces.

Host or VM Requirements

  • CPU—At least two vCPUs.
  • Memory—At least 4GB memory.
  • Disk Space—At least 8GB memory.
  • Network—A single network interface on the host or VM.

Supported Host OS

  • Secure Access supports Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04 x64 only on the host machine.


  1. Set Up the Resource Connector and Container—Run the set up script for the resource connector.
  2. Launch the Resource Connector in the Docker Container—Launch the Docker container that runs the instance of the resource connector.

Set Up the Resource Connector and Container

Note: On the host, Secure Access supports one container running in Docker.

Get the Secure Access Resource Connector setup script ( for deploying the resource connector in Docker. Then, set the permissions on the script and run the script.

The script downloads the scripts and configuration files that are required to set up and run the resource connector in the Docker container. You can run the script to manage the resource connector (start and stop the connector). The script saves the scripts and configuration files in the /opt/connector/install directory.

  1. Log into the host or VM with a user that has sudo permissions.
  2. Run curl to get the Secure Access Resource Connector setup script (
    curl -o 
  3. Set the permissions on the script.
    chmod +x
  4. Run the script.
    sudo ./

For information about error conditions that may occur when you set up of the connector, see Troubleshoot Container Deployments – Setup Failures.

Launch the Resource Connector in the Docker Container

Important: You can launch one Resource Connector instance only in a host or VM.

Run the script to deploy the Resource Connector in the Docker container. During the setup, the script was saved in the /opt/connector/install directory on the host or VM.

Set the name of the resource connector with the connector_name variable. connector_name accepts a sequence of 1–40 alphanumeric characters , and the minus sign (-) or underscore (_) characters.

The script sets up a service in the /etc/service/connector_svc directory. If the Docker container stops, the service relaunches the container with the resource connector automatically.

  1. Log into the host or VM with a user that has sudo permissions.
  2. Run the script.
    Provide the name of the Resource Connector (connector_name) and the provisioning key (provisioning_key) for the Resource Connector Group that includes the resource connector.
    sudo /opt/connector/install/ launch --name <connector_name> --key <provisioning_key>
  3. Sign into Secure Access and confirm that the Resource Connector deployed.
    The resource connector that is deployed in the Docker container should provision and then display in Secure Access. For more information, see Add Connectors to a Connector Group: Confirm Connectors.

Important: If you provide an incorrect provisioning key for the Resource Connector Group, the Docker container will start, but the resource connector will not be able to provision and register with Secure Access. If this occurs, we recommend that you delete the Docker container and deploy the connector again.

View the Deployed Resource Connectors in Secure Access

After you deploy the Resource Connector with Docker, you can view and manage the resource connectors in Secure Access.

  1. Navigate to Network Connections > Connector Groups, and then click on a connector group in the table.

  2. For the connector group, navigate to one of the connectors in the Connectors table.

  3. For the connector, navigate to the Version column in the table and hover over the icon to display the version information for the connector and container image.

    • Installed Connector Version—The version of the Secure Access resource connector software.

    • Installed OS Version—The version of the base OS on the Docker container image.

For more information, see View a Connector Group's Connectors and Assigned Resources.

Troubleshoot Container Deployments

Setup Failures

If error conditions occur when you set up the connector with Docker, verify that you can access the destinations to download and install the required software packages and files. For more information, see Connectivity Issues.

Also, before you run the connector setup script, you may have to authenticate with Docker. For more information, see Rate Limit with Docker Pull.

Rate Limit with Docker Pull

The script runs docker pull without authentication to download the connector image from Docker Hub, which is rate limited. If you encounter a rate limit error when you run, Docker returns this error message:

You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading …

When the Docker rate limit error occurs, we recommend that you authenticate with Docker, and then run the script again. To authenticate with Docker, run:

sudo docker login

Connectivity Issues

The script installs the required host packages and downloads the scripts to manage the connector.

Ensure that the host has connectivity to these destinations and can download the required scripts and files:

  •—Access to this site is required only for downloading the Sigstore cosign binary during the connector setup. Secure Access uses cosign to verify the container image. You do not need access to the GitHub site when you run the connector, only for the setup of the connector in the container.
  • Docker Hub—For more information, see Allow Resource Connector Traffic to Secure Access.
  • Ubuntu packages—Configure the host or VM correctly to support the installation of the Ubuntu packages, repo mirror, or locally mounted DVD image.

Check the Container's Status

  1. Log into the host machine with a user account that has sudo access.
  2. Run the Docker ps command to show the status of all containers.
docker ps -a

Get the Version of the Docker Container Image

  1. Log into the host machine with a user account that has sudo access.
  2. Run the Docker ps command to list the running Docker containers and format the output with the value of .Image.
docker ps --format '{{.Image}}'

Stop the Container

  1. Log into the host machine with a user account that has sudo access.
  2. Run the script with the stop command to stop the container.
sudo /opt/connector/install/ stop

Restart the Container

  1. Log into the host machine with a user account that has sudo access.
  2. Run the script with the start command to restart the container.
sudo /opt/connector/install/ start

Delete the Container

  1. Sign into Secure Access and remove the Resource Connector. For more information, see Disable, Revoke, or Delete Resource Connectors and Groups.
  2. Delete the container and persistent datastore.
    a. Log into the host machine with a user account that has sudo access.
    b. Run the script with the stop command and --destroy flag to delete the container and persistent datastore.
sudo /opt/connector/install/ stop --destroy

About the Diagnostic and Techsupport Scripts

The diagnostic script runs a series of ping and DNS tests on the local IP address, gateway, Secure Access APIs, and headend IP addresses. The script also checks connectivity on HTTPS ports to various Secure Access endpoints, along with system artifacts created through the connector instance provisioning process.

The techsupport script displays the following information:

  • Version of the resource connector software.
  • VPN tunnel state and related information.
  • System monitoring metrics, such as disk and memory statistics.
  • Information snapshot of the connector host, from DNS to Network interface details, iptables, routes, sysctl system settings, and monitoring information.
  • Recent periodic resource connector software logs.

Run Diagnostic and Techsupport Scripts

Run the diagnostic or techsupport scripts to troubleshoot the resource connector in the container.

  1. Log into the host machine with a user account that has sudo access.
  2. Run the diagnostic and troubleshooting scripts.

a. For the diagnostic script, run:


b. For the techsupport script, run:

sudo /opt/connector/data/bin/techsupport

Deploy a Connector in Azure < Deploy a Connector in Docker > Determine the Number of Connectors Needed in a Connector Group