draft-Test Your Destinations

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When you finish configuring Secure Access, we recommend that you check your Secure Access policy rules. You can evaluate a policy rule by pointing your browser to one of our test destinations. To learn how to test a policy rule with File Inspection enabled, see Test File Inspection.

After you have tested your Secure Access configurations successfully, you will see a page similar to the following:

The following table lists the URL or IP address, type of security event, and description for each Secure Access test destination.

Test URLSecurity Event TypeDescription
welcome.secureaccess.comTest that you have configured your system to use Cisco Secure Access.
examplemalwaredomain.comMalwareTest that Secure Access is protecting you against domains with malware threats.
examplebotnetdomain.comCommand and Control CallbackTest that Secure Access is protecting you against domains with Command and Control Callback threats.
exampleadultsite.comAdult contentTest that Secure Access is configured to block access to sites with adult content.
www.internetbadguys.comPhishingTest that Secure Access is configured to protect you from accessing phishing domains.
phish.opendnstest.comIP phishing test pageTest that Secure Access is configured to protect you against IP and IP-based URL phishing threats.
ssl-proxy.opendnstest.comSSL decryptionTest that Secure Access is configured with SSL decryption enabled.

Add Punycode Domain Name to Destination List < Test Your Destinations > Manage Application Lists