[Old] Manage Roles [Oct 13, 2023]
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Roles let you manage permissions to view, write, change, and delete resources in Cisco Secure Access, limiting authorization based on the needs of your organization. Administrators assign roles to user accounts through accounts. For more information, see Manage Accounts.
Permissions are assigned through the following roles:
- Full Admin – Grants full access to the Secure Access resources, including the ability to create and assign new roles.
- Read-Only – Grants limited access to Secure Access resources. A user can only view pages and reports, not update configuration components. Secure Access limits availability or does not display components on pages that require Full Admin privileges.
- Security Administrator—Grants the same access as the Full Admin role, but does not have access to Data Loss Prevention (DLP) classifications, DLP policies, or the DLP Report.

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Updated about 1 year ago