Download Cisco Secure Client

This topic explains your options for downloading the Cisco Secure Client pre-deployment package in Secure Access.

  • Option 1: Download any version of Secure Client using the link in Secure Access to Cisco Software Central. You will need a valid service contract that is associated with your profile.
  • Option 2: Download any version of Secure Client using the link in Secure Access. Choose this option if you want to use cloud management.
  • Option 3: Download the current version of Secure Client using the shortcut buttons in Secure Access.


  1. In Secure Access, navigate to Connect > End User Connectivity.

  2. On the End User Connectivity page, click Cisco Secure Client.

  1. In the Download Cisco Secure Client window, do one of the following:
  • To download a previous version of Secure Client, click the Cisco Software link.

    1. In Cisco Secure Central, download the desired Secure Client pre-deployment package and the version for the OS on the end-user device.
    • Examples:
      • macOS — cisco-secure-client-macos-
      • Windows — cisco-secure-client-win-
  • To download a cloud-managed version of Secure Client:

    1. Click the Cisco SecureX link:
      In the US:

    2. In SecureX, download the desired version of Secure Client.

  • To download the current version of Secure Client, click the download buttons.
  1. In the Download Profiles section:
    1. Download the orginfo.json file.
      • The json file is used with the Internet Security module (also known as the Umbrella roaming module). The file tells the module where to report and which policies to enforce.
    2. Choose all applicable VPN profiles.
      • The VPN profile tells Secure Access which VPN profiles to enforce. You created the VPN profiles in the End-User Connectivity module of Secure Access (show menu path)
  2. Click Close.
  3. Distribute Secure Client on all end-user devices.

Get Started with the Cisco Secure Client < Download Cisco Secure Client > Install the Cisco Secure Client